Writing to have audiences act
I’m going through replays of one of the largest marketing conferences that I attended in-person in Boston. I wrote about it here and if you missed my last blog on checking on competitors and their/your own content, you should check it out.
In today’s blog, I wanted to give you takeaways from Jay Acunzo‘s session labeled: The Urge to Act: How to Write and Speak in Ways That Influence B2B Buyer Behavior.
Two things:
Two things we need: to not necessarily increase reach “as a goal” but to resonate deeper with our audiences by providing stronger insights and being personal. He share his framework in three steps which I will explain below.
In his case study, he shared the example of a lady who creates business models and used her email newsletter content as a reference and she said using this framework in her newsletters was her “best performing email in months,” for those of you reading that like seeing numbers instead, this means 600% + in replies and 150% + in qualified leads.
Three things on Insights:
His framework includes using these phrases below, I added my own thoughts in italics:
“This happened…” – (i.e. share a personal memory or a moment; “someone heard my voice in store and recognized me without even seeing me”)
“Which made me realize…” (i.e. an idea that started that; “I realized my voice/accent is unique”)
“That’s the thing about…” (the topic/idea; “instead of being self conscious of my voice/accent, I will embrace standing out to build my personal brand”)
Getting Personal strategy
In the aspect of being personal, I love what he said below:
“As a leader, you give your audience something YOU know they need (even before they realize they want it). As a storyteller, you show them why they would.”
You need four things, from his presentation this means:
Align: what are their goals and beliefs?
Agitate: What are their problems + why do they matter?
Assert: what are you asserting?
Invite: what now/next?
This what I would consider an example for reference in the invite section (maybe to use as a Call-to-Action section in your bio page or social media posts):
I’m __ and I help ___ so that ____ .
Subscribe to my __ as we ___ so you can __.
Stop doing __ so you can __.
Next steps would be ___.
Think __.
Since seeing his presentation and seeing his framework explained, I’m seeing others on social media using this content creation for making their captions persuasive to me to click on next steps.
What stood out to you? Message me with my contact info below.
You can also jump on a call with me here to understand more of what your strategy is and see if you need help to stand out with building your presence online.
Missed my last blog posts? Check them out here: