Engage with Audience on Social Media the Old Fashioned Way
Today I put to practice what I preach on Social Media but I did it in person (and it worked)! Build rapport and then ask for something (sell). I participated in the United Way’s Celebrity Bagging Event, essentially I bagged people’s groceries and asked for donation (to be placed inside the donation can). I didn’t immediately ask for a donation, unless they purchased few items. I built rapport first. I noticed the items on the “buggie” (like they call here) and based on what I found, I would ask about recipes, cooking methods, etc AND then ask for a donation. A couple of folks noticed I don’t share the same accent and would ask me where I’m from…or they would make fun of me since I didn’t know how to peel/cook
runner beans…or compliment me on my energy. These conversations wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t take the time to notice their food items and start a conversation.
Here’s what you need to do online:
Don’t sell first by asking for people for something or constantly post a promo code
Research your audience, find out what they like, who they follow on Twitter or pages they “like” on FB
Ask questions (open-ended) about comparisons on brands, why they choose that product/service, etc.
Engage with their friends’ conversations
Show your personality. Use words unique to you. Cater your message based on your audiences’ interest.