Upcoming LinkedIn Workshop
Click on Image to Register for my next LinkedIn workshop that will be held in Kingsport, TN. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how to grow your presence is his active social media platform.…
How AI has made my life easier – personally and professionally
I started presenting about AI since last summer (2023 – see featured picture) and while we are not face to face, I want you to see how I use it with visuals. Here are a few screenshots…
Replay: Two Instagram Workshop for Farmers and Food Vendors
You can STILL boost sales and customer engagement this summer season! You can replay the virtual workshops specifically for local food vendors and farmers that I did for Appalachian Resource Conservation & Development Council. If you sell…
Get expert advice from today’s top digital marketers (and myself)
I’m honored to announce that I’ll be a presenter at the upcoming Agents of Change Digital Marketing Summit, hosted by Rich Brooks! My topic will be: Grow your Presence with Instagram Consistency with a Dash of AI.…
From Estonia: Interview to build sales using trust!
Greete Paaskivi from the RISE Discord community reached out to me to share tips with her about my journey as an entrepreneur. This is the same Discord community where the book that I am a co-author in…
If you are a ___ then you should read Amazing Marketing Book!
I recently joined 35 authors from 10 countries around the world to develop a community led book called “The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever: More than 350 inspiring ideas.” This book is a perfect read for anyone,…
Game changer: 2nd edition of Everybody Writes
I admit, I might have not been ready for the first edition of Everybody Writes by Ann Handley back in 2014. I read it and don’t remember much. Maybe because I had an almost two year old…
My mini-meta talk: Recession Proof your Marketing for Marketers
“Challenges reveal your ambition and grit. Don’t shy away from them.” – Fortune Cookie At the bottom of this blog post is my video from my first “mini-Meta” talk. The Meta If 2022 had a word, it…
3 Social Media Public Workshops for late 2022
Thank you for your interest in the Social Media Workshops Training. Below are instructions for registering and paying for these workshops held in Downtown Johnson City! To register and pay online with a credit card: • Go to: http://training.northeaststate.edu/…
Why you need a “hype girl” for your promotions and events for your small business
Got a big appearance such as presentation or tv/zoom/podcast appearance? Maybe just an event where you will be the host and you want the masses to attend. Here are some tips from my past week helping a…