Future of Social Media with Visuals
Never have in my life has my brain been so mind blown and then I caught the flu and I have never been so sick. All within a week. Let me back up.
The Uprising
I attended the Uprising which is basically a retreat for 30 of the wisest marketers (and myself) all gathered outside of Knoxville, TN for 3 days of intense connecting through meals, presentations, breakout sessions. There was even a bluegrass concert in the last evening.
I came back home to find out that I got the flu. I lay in bed for days and I kept replaying the conversations that I had with these thought leaders during meals as I got to know them and replaying their presentations in my mind.
Quick nuggets of info
Here are a few takeaways and from whose presentation it came from (stay tuned for the very bottom for my 10 presentation to this group and my tips to them):
- Personalization
=(does not equal) personal – Mark Schaefer - The more time people on internet, more depressed – Mark Schaefer
- Web 3.0 is about belonging – Mark Schaefer
- Gen Z: seeks inspiration over influencers – Fabio Tambosi
- Gen Z: tribe of free thinkers, 57% starting biz in next 5 years – Fabio Tambosi
- Gen Z: kinship, they need community – Fabio Tambosi
- If the average CMO is there for 11 months, how does success that maintain time and investment? – Fabio Tambosi
- Data mining – two different people who have same data not same purchasing habits (Prince Charles/Ozzy) – Ruth Hartt
- Elements of a Job to be Done: Stable, Solution Agnostic, Competing Forces at Play, Three Components (Functional, Emotional, Social) – Ruth Hartt
- Give Depth into measurement, human motivations, econometrics – Claudia Sciaretta
- Traditional: sub cultures – Claudia Sciaretta
- Social Listening/Algorithm tracking the intensity of the convos
- Megatrend – growth of community, loneliness, perspective from being lonely aspect – Claudia Sciaretta
- The Culture is in the center – Claudia Sciaretta
- Futurist look for signals – Mathew Sweezy
- Various countries experiment with digital currencies – Mathew Sweezy
- Discussion of Open Sea Sold, DAUs, Web 3.0 Ownership,Blockchain/Smart Contract, NFTs, Metaverse, DAOs/dApps, Secondary Market, Virtual Goods, examples of those and verified credentials, Digital Twins, Loyality Coins, Wallet IDs, Co-Creation, Post Cookie world, Share of Wallet, Immersive Experiences, Token Gating, “Creator” – Mathew Sweezy
- New purpose view: Who (Values) – Why (Purpose) -How (Process) -What (Product) – Keith Jennings
- Your Business + Origin Story – Let these two areas narrow your focus – Keith Jennings
- Searches for podcasts in YouTube in # 1 place – Mark Schaefer
- Voice that is human accessible and vulnerable – Mark Schaefer
- Trust in businesses declined 14 years in a row – Mark Schaefer
- Authority vs SEO – Mark Schaefer
- AI & Trust – In moments of uncertainty & frustration human trust people, not machines – Samantha Stone
- AI: use empathy cues for human interaction, i.e. vacation sites recognizes (when you give it permission) what you like & create a package based on facial recognition – Samantha Stone
- AI: Cues caller based on reaction, terms, pacing language & improves delivery of service that human sets – Samantha Stone
I stopped taking notes because my time to speak was coming up and I was a ball of nerves.
My 10 presentation is up…
My 10 minute presentation on Future of Social Media, specifically on visuals was started talking about Motherhood. I had everyone close their eyes and I described the journey of motherhood.
I used themes mentioned throughout the retreat about loneliness and later tied how loneliness can be hard during motherhood, especially when you are in a new location.
Moreover, I added fact that motherhood can be especially lonely if you are in a new location without a community of friends. My location has been featured in the top ten list of places where people have moved to the most in the the country during the pandemic. Imagine how lonely it can be to be in a new location and learning the ropes of motherhood?
My example of how to build rapport with these new local and lonely moms by using Instagram Reels (still shots) of a local pediatrician guiding you to shop for essentials for a child.
I also mentioned how Instagram Stories can be used to show behind the scenes and story-tell with potential customers and audiences, engaging with them through Stickers and keeping them tuning in for more. Keep track of what visuals work for your brand through looking at the analytics of each Story.
Finally I wrapped up how to be top of mind by using alerts with profiles to learn the latest about clients, potential leads, etc. The more we know about the customers, the more we can build a community for them.
What stood out to you? I’ll be wrapping up a series of local and in-person Social Media workshops this month. Hope you can join me here!
Call me or email me if you have questions.