Storyboard your message to reach new leads
In research for this entry, I discovered that I hardly ever turn down reading “storyboards” from companies on Facebook. They’re engaging, explain more quickly vs. lengthily explanations (status updates), get straight to the heart of the message….and are cost-effective!
Here’s a quote: “The power of the storyboard as a business and motivational tool has always worked since it was first used in the 1930s by Disney and even earlier by the Japanese in the 12th century...” (more here)
The storyboard above is a reflection of the message I offer to businesses and clients about the power of social media. Perhaps you can use a storyboard to explain your product or service to vast/new audience (for leads)?
Article: “4 Powerful Reasons to Storyboard Your Business Ideas” from Social Media today. By: Andre Bourque