Because I couldn’t stop talking about these with others
I have been referencing these resources over the last week with clients and friends. I thought I should quickly write up an email and send to you (because I appreciate you taking the time to read this) before the rainy weekend.
By the way, did you notice a change too on your Facebook mobile app this morning? I’m liking it’s new way to switch between personal and business pages!
Important reads to keep you up to date with the latest:
Discloser, I never had an interest in joining TikTok or seeing it of true value as a business owner until I heard this podcast episode:
New data-based strategies to win on TikTok
If you want to step up your LinkedIn profile with cool new tools, you better check out this article
New LinkedIn Creator Mode Features for Marketers
In my last 2 workshops about Instagram, I reference persuasion in copy (captions), I get all of my knowledge from Nancy Harhut, she is the expert and you should follower her on Twitter and LinkedIn.
“BECAUSE” This Is Your Brain on Marketing: Nancy Harhut on Marketing Smarts [Podcast] (why you’ll want to use the word: because in your wording)
I was just literally telling a new client about incorporating behind-the-scenes suggestions and using it for Stories… when you want to top of mind and not sales pitchy. Good for a rainy day!
15 Behind the Scenes Content Ideas to Share on Instagram [Infographic]
Today’s Quote:
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
This blog post came from my latest email newsletter. Learn more about how to get your next email from me here.
- Featured on Personal Brand Blueprint Podcast: Authentic Brand Growth Strategies
- 13 Game-Changing Lessons from 13 Years in Business: Insights for Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Professionals
- Top SEO Insights from Analyzing 300 B2B Websites: Actionable Strategies for Business Success
- How to really be authentic with your marketing
- Spicing up your AI Prompts with these tips

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