Valentina with Dennis You

What I learned from the first person to do Facebook Ads

Valentina with Dennis You
Valentina with Dennis You

If you’ve ever been to one of my Facebook workshops, I always mention Power Editor as a tool for Facebook Ads by targeting audiences. I initially learned about this indispensable advertising tool from Facebook through an online course several years ago with Dennis Yu from Blitz Metrics.

You can’t imagine the excitement I felt when I saw he’ll be attending Social Media Day in Jacksonville (FL). That required a seven hour drive from the Smokey Mountains to north Florida with two kids under the age of five!

Below is just a snippet from what I learned from my four hour Master Class break out session from him:

Currently Organic Reach is 1-2%

Whenever you post something on Facebook, you are scored based on a point system. Here is how it works: 1 point for a “like”, 13 points for a “share”, negative 100 points for no feedback on your post. All engagement is positive.

The #1 place where people check-in is Disney, # 2 airports, and # 3 restaurants.

When you post a status update on Facebook, the first 5 minutes gets an initial push. The reach lives for 4-5 hours on Facebook and then dies off. It’s 4-5 days on LinkedIn. 15 minutes on Twitter.

Heard a lot of talk about creating Public Figure page on Facebook, find out more below. I started mine here. Try to do a 1 minute video/day and “boost” for $1.

He shared the story of his co-founder, Logan Young that 3 years ago delivered pizzas for $9/hour. Now he is the co-founder of Blitz Metrics. He started using a Public Figure page and including all of his speaking engagements and pictures with famous people. I repeatedly heard: perceived authority weights more than actual authority. Try to get media from higher authority and promote your article.

An example used to demonstrate this concept is when Logan Young appeared on USA Today: How do Facebook ads target you? and shared his link to his page and anyone who sees it views him as an authority on Facebook advertising.

You can also share interviews with clients and share what you have done with them, not necessarily case studies and testimonials.

Let’s talk about videos:

Average watch time is six seconds!

He advised us to create a series of videos for our Public Figure Page. The videos resemble a Sales Funnel which includes: Awareness which is our “why” video.

This is the script you should follow:

  1. When I was ____ (why) this should be 30 seconds
  2. I believe that ___ (show emotion) this should be 5-10 secs
  3. I started ___ (your biz name) and STOP.

The Sales Funnel continues:

Awareness > Engagement > Conversion which means…

Why > How > What

Here is a video of my “why” below:


He asked for 10 people to come up to the front of the audience with no time to prepare and tell their “why” story!

Find more about my upcoming speaking engagements here.

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