Former Disney Exec & The Theory of Creativity

Imagine being taught about the Theory of Creativity from a 25 year former Disney exec? One of my favorite sessions from Social Media Day Jacksonville was held by Duncan Wardle now with his own consulting firm, Id8&Innov8.
What If?
When was the last time you thought through a meeting asking yourself, What If?
My biggest highlight from his presentation was “what if” we….?
Look at the online book retailer, Amazon and it’s affect on Disney theme parks.
It taught people to become impatient. If you are a member of Amazon Prime, you receive your items within a few days. You download a show instantly. Etc.
How does this affect Disney theme parks?
The biggest reason in 2008 for not going to Disney was probably, I can’t afford it, I don’t know if it is the right age for my children, and mostly likely, I cannot stand in a long line anymore.
Imagine, “what if….” we cut or reduce the lines? Had no lines for gates, check-ins, or to purchase merchandise?
**The Magic Band**
You receive the Magic Band in the mail, ahead of time, and you eliminate waiting excessively in lines, one touch sends your items to the hotel, two touches with your Magic band and your items go to your house instead.
These extra 2 hours that the employees have can be invested in guest experience (thank you big data)….
Did you know that 77.6% of people turn right when they enter parks? That means make the right a bigger walkway.
Did you know that 65% of visitors enter by 10:30am? Invest in this data insight and have more employees available at that time.
All this information came from “WHAT IF” and Not Wanting Lines.
There are so many other remarkable stories shared throughout his presentation such as Walt Disney not being able to control the environment of his movies at theaters, so here again enters, “what if” —- it lead to creating Disneyland.
Another disrupter included asking What If — about Blockbuster and it leading to Netflix.
Here is an example from his presentation:
Rules from Blockbuster – What If – Imagine If
Various issues with Blockbuster: You have to return the movie, need a membership card, drive to the store, and rewind the movie.
Broken down…
No Need to Drive to Return DVD — What if there wasn’t a store — Imagine If: YouTube, it leading to amateur content, that cut deals with studios, no need to drive and visit a store to watch a movie.
What If…
If you want to learn more, I’ll be glad more notes with you. Feel free to reach out to me about this presentation and other blog posts I have written.
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