Featured in Bucs@Work
Great talk with Dr Allen Gorman Department Chair from ETSU Department of Management and Marketing and senior, Caelan Peterson for Bucs@Work and I answered these questions: What books/articles/resources would you recommend to students who are interested in social media marketing? If one of our students is interested in getting into social media marketing, what should they be doing right now to prepare?If you were back in school right now, what is one thing you know now that wish you had known then?What are you most proud of in your career?And Much more…
I mentioned KNOWN: The handbook for building and unleashing your personal brand in the digital age by Mark Schaefer and the companion workbook.
Also mentioned The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott.
My favorite newsletters include:
https://www.marketingprofs.com https://businessesgrow.com/blog/ https://www.socialmediatoday.com
Let me know if these tips helped? Would you like for me to speak to your group too? If so, please connect with me to share your questions?