Facebook and Instagram Noon Knowledge held in Abingdon, VA

Facebook & Instagram Noon Knowledge Summary

Facebook and Instagram Noon Knowledge held in Abingdon, VA
Facebook and Instagram Noon Knowledge held in Abingdon, VA

Fun time presenting about Facebook and Instagram in Abingdon, VA!!!

Shared insights to connecting with your audience and how to incorporate into your overall marketing strategy, especially using Facebook Power Editor Program.

The event was part of the Noon Knowledge Series and is hosted by the Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator, Washington County, Virginia Chamber of Commerce and Virginia Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity. It was held on June 25, 2015 in Abingdon, VA. Below you’ll find the entire presentation and slides from SlideShare too!

(Next stop: Kingsport, TN at the Chamber where my Advanced Facebook Marketing class sold out)

Video and Slides below:


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