Easy LinkedIn Strategies for Professional Advancement
This post is dedicated to professionals who want advancement. Seeking the next big step in your career? Be an influencer…want more sales? OR Get noticed by potential mentors that can help you get you into another department? Start getting results with these tips below:
Power-Up your LinkedIn profile & actually make a human connection with individuals that could trust & like you immediately –>How??… through your Personality, Passion (what do you do eat, sleep, etc about?), perspective. (i.e. HEADLINE Tip: Don’t just be ___ (your job title but ___ !) Stephanie thought my LinkedIn headline ROCKED, get inspired to spice things up, see mine here!
- Update Your Profile Once per Month (add new skill, volunteer activity, etc)
- Spend 10 minutes a day building your LinkedIn network (sharing, liking, commenting, participating in group discussions)
- Post at least 20 LinkedIn updates per month to reach 60% of your Unique Audiences [pinterest]
- “Post” Daily/ “Publish” Monthly (see the difference, here)
- @Mention Connections/Companies when posting (like tag names onto post on Facebook)
- Send Customized Messages (don’t use standard message option when asking for an intro)
- Recurring Reminders to follow up with others (see picture below or click Relationship button under Profile Picture)
Want more information? We really want to serve you. We offer one-on-one training for professionals who call themselves “dinosaurs” (with technology) or want to learn the latest in social media to advance in their career.We also can help business owners in many ways: we personally manage social media for our clients or we teach their employees/staff optimization strategies.
Call 855-880-5082 or email at Valentina@Beyond-Engagement.com.