Awake in the Network Welcomes Valentina Escobar-Gonzalez

Featured in the Awake in the Network podcast discussing my networking tips for professionals and business owners

The episode focuses on building authentic connections through social media to boost customer relationships and foster meaningful online communities, drawing on my extensive experience as a business owner, marketer and social media strategist for the past 12 years. We answered questions ranging from AI to networking yourself basics!

Quotes referenced in the podcast included:

  • Rule of Reciprocity, people given you back something equal or greater than what you give them (Dr. Robert Cialdini)
  • If it is meant to be, it’s up to me. – Billy Dexter
  • How can I be helpful?

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Connect with John @

Which tip stood out to you? I’d love to connect with you if you have any questions or take a ways?

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